The Leonids Meteor Shower is a yearly event when Earth passes through tiny pieces left behind by a comet called 55P/Tempel-Tuttle. When these little bits, some as small as sand grains, hit our atmosphere, they create those bright lines of light we call meteors. They get their name from the Leo constellation, where they seem to come from. The Leonids is one of the most spectacular meteor showers in the night sky.
The Amazing Leonids Meteor Shower in November 2023
What's the Leonids Meteor Shower?
When to Watch the Leonids Meteor Shower:
This year, the Leonids Meteor Shower is expected to be at its best around November 17th. But you can see meteors from November 6th to 30th. So, mark your calendars, because it’s going to be a fantastic celestial show.
Scientific Data and Interesting Points:
Cometary Origin:
Comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle, with a period of approximately 33 years, is the source of the Leonids. It releases tiny dust and debris particles as it travels through space, and when Earth crosses its orbit, we encounter these fragments.

Credit: NASA/Ames Research Center/ISAS/Shinsuke Abe and Hajime Yano
Meteor Rate:
On average, the Leonids produce about 10 to 15 meteors per hour. However, during periodic meteor storms, this rate can skyrocket to hundreds or even thousands of meteors per hour, creating an awe-inspiring meteor storm.
Radiant Point:
The meteors in the Leonids appear to radiate from the Leo constellation, particularly from the star Regulus. This is why they are called the “Leonids.”
Meteor Composition:
Leonids meteors are incredibly fast, with entry velocities of around 71 kilometers per second (44 miles per second). They are predominantly composed of metallic elements, which give them their characteristic brightness.
The ``Storm of the Century``:
In 1833, the Leonids produced a meteor storm of legendary proportions, with observers describing meteors falling “like snowflakes.” It is considered one of the most intense meteor storms in recorded history.
Astronomical History:
The Leonids have been observed and documented for centuries. The Chinese chronicled the shower as early as 902 AD, and historical records describe significant displays dating back to ancient times.
Top Tips for Watching Leonids Meteor Shower In Pune:
Find a Dark Spot: For the best view, get away from city lights. Look for a dark place, like the countryside or a stargazing spot.
Stay Warm: November nights can be chilly. Dress in layers and bring a comfy chair or a blanket.
Use Red Light: White light messes up your night vision. So, use red flashlights or lanterns to see without ruining the show.
Be Patient: Meteor showers can be slow to start. Don’t give up if you don’t see one right away. Relax and enjoy the peaceful night.
Watch the Moon: Check when the moon is bright. Try to go out when it’s not too shiny, so you can see more meteors.
Try Sky Apps: There are apps for your phone that can help you find constellations and the Leonids’ starting point. They make it easy!
Bring a Camera: If you like taking pictures, grab your camera or phone. Use a tripod to keep your shots steady, and use a wide-angle lens to catch more of the sky.
This November, our astronomy club in Pune, India is excited to organize stargazing events around Pune bringing together all sky lovers to experience this incredible natural show.